Visit us at

World of Coffee in Copenhagen
27th - 29th of June 2024

Booth CD-007

BWT water+more @ World of Coffee in Copenhagen BWT water+more @ World of Coffee Copenhagen


World of Coffee

BWT water+more, top water partner of the barista commu­nity, is delighted to be HOST sponsor at World of Coffee 2024 in Copenhagen!

From 27th – 29th of June, we cele­brate spec­tac­ular coffee expe­ri­ences with the world and bring our exper­tise in the best water for coffee prepa­ra­tion. Be inspired by what water can do for coffee. Be there when coffee enthu­si­asts cele­brate their passion and compete for the cham­pi­onship title in the compe­ti­tions.

As sponsor, we not only provide our sophis­ti­cated reverse osmosis water, you can also find out about many other water treat­ment systems at our stand.

As a water opti­miza­tion specialist oper­ating on an inter­na­tional footing, we at BWT water+more have an overview of water situ­a­tions world­wide and support the inter­na­tional barista scene with our full know-how. We know what really counts – compre­hen­sive protec­tion for machinery against limescale and corro­sion. And we have the vision for much, much more: more enjoy­ment, and more success – through our sensory water opti­miza­tion, enabling baristas to reach unimag­in­able heights of flavour and cele­brate bound­less triumphs. Anywhere in the world, and what­ever the water situ­a­tion.

Modern water treat­ment extracts the maximum flavour from the brown beans! And that is true every­where and at all times, regard­less of the point of use. For problem-free repeata­bility and bound­less enjoy­ment. That requires compre­hen­sive vision for the water situ­a­tions around the world. And because this far-sighted vision is precisely what we do, we invite you to visit us in Copenhagen.

Our pillars

BWT best­ba­rista ROC Coffee

Masterbarista Logo
Masterbarista Logo

BWT water+more has redefined the world-famous equation E=mc2 for the technological advancement of reverse osmosis in combination with a completely new type of mineralization. This formula reveals the secret of the best coffee:

Evolu­tion = master­ba­rista x coffee­water²


The BWT bestbarista ROC Coffee masters even the most demanding raw water qualities and transforms any local raw water safely and reproducibly into excellent coffee water so that every coffee worldwide can develop its characteristic aroma to optimum effect. As important components of this unique remineralization, the minerals magnesium and silicate in particular, which are essential for extraction, ensure an ideal pH value and consistently optimum quality in the cup. And it does so reliably even with challenging raw water qualities on site, such as soft, mineral-poor local raw water or very salty water with a high chloride content.

The new coffee formula E=mc² from BWT water+more ensures consistently top water quality and perfect protection of the coffee machine against corrosion etc. This makes E=mc² the new world formula for the best coffee in the world.

BWT bestbarista ROC Coffee systems will be available worldwide from summer 2024.
Find out more about this unique innovation in advance at our booth.

Our products

Solutions for optimal water quality in gastronomy

BWT bestaqua ROC coffee - Rethinking reverse osmosis

BWT bestaqua ROC Coffee (Reverse Osmosis Compact) is an exceptionally compact reverse osmosis system with integrated BWT magnesium technology for mineralisation, making it ideal for producing coffee and all hot drinks. All filter cartridges used here can be replaced extremely easily, quickly and safely without the need for tools. BWT bestaqua ROC Coffee systems are robust and have a long service life. They are extremely reliable and require little maintenance.
roc-coffee-system roc-coffee-system


BWT bestmax PREMIUM is an innovative filter system for optimizing water especially for all hot beverages from coffee and vending machines. This filter reduces all undesirable components such as limescale, particles, off-flavors such as chlorine and organic compounds from the raw water.

As a pioneering innovation, this filter also features BWT Magnesium Technology, which enriches the water with valuable magnesium in exchange for calcium. In addition to effective limescale protection, BWT bestmax PREMIUM thereby ensures outstanding results for hot beverages.

bestmax premium bestmax premium

BWT best­pro­tect

BWT bestprotect is a filter solution for water with special properties. It not only prevents the formation of limescale and gypsum, but also ensures a consistently high pH value.

BWT thereby protects the valuable machine technology from deposits and prevents corrosion problems on stainless steel parts. Moreover, this filter system delivers water with top sensory characteristics for producing high-quality hot beverages.

BWT bestprotect broadway engineering

BWT bestico

Many drinks are refined by different types of crystal-clear ice. Whether ice cubes or crushed ice, customers always expect the purest ice, without any clouding and without any foreign odours or tastes. It’s important for the user that every ice machine permanently runs fault-free, is hygienically flawless and is free of deposits, such as limescale. BWT bestico offers this dual protection, safely and for every local water quality level.

BWT bestico broadway engineering

BWT besttaste with integrated prefiltration

BWT besttaste filter cartridges with integrated pre-filtration provide the best water for vending machines, coffee machines and many other applications in the catering industry. They are also ideal for pre-filtration before BWT bestaqua ROC reverse osmosis systems. Existing particles or even annoying foreign tastes and odors are reliably eliminated. Optimum taste of all hot beverages and protection of all gastro equipment in areas with low carbonate hardness (lime content) is thus guaranteed.
Besttaste 10 15 20 Besttaste 10 15 20

Didn't find what you were looking for?


We're thrilled that we will host an array of talented baristas from around the world. These coffee maestros will be showcasing their skills, sharing their expertise, and offering insights into the art and science of coffee making.

Meet our baristas, learn about their unique brewing techniques, and experience firsthand how BWT water+more is revolutionizing water for better coffee. From Cupping demonstrations to tasting sessions, our booth will be buzzing with activity and innovation.

Coffee Cups
Coffee Cups

Our recy­cling process

Up to 99 percent of the mate­rials in a filter cartridge are fed into the BWT recy­cling process
Recycling Prozess BWT-WAM
Recycling Prozess BWT-WAM