Flavour at the touch of a button!

Optimum product quality thanks to an ingenious filtering technique.

That's what lies at the heart of the system.
Vending Vending

Water opti­mi­za­tion in the vending machine busi­ness

Success in the vending machine sector depends on water quality

High-​quality vending appli­ca­tions are booming. Modern vending machines have achieved a quality that perfectly captures the variety of aromas found in speciality coffees, for example.

However, advances in the perfor­mance of vending machines has seen expec­ta­tions rise in rela­tion to a raw mate­rial that is crucial for perfect coffee enjoy­ment – water. Whether instant or freshly brewed, if you want to main­tain or even improve the high quality of your vending machine prod­ucts, you need the best water you can get. This is true what­ever the local condi­tions.

Not all water is the same.

If you consider the quality of drinking water, there can be a huge vari­a­tion depending on loca­tion. The list of possible devi­a­tions is long, which is why there may be differ­ences in taste or even a loss of flavour in coffee from vending machines. The water may be too hard, too heavily chlo­ri­nated, or lacking in minerals. Alter­na­tively, it may contain too much dissolved calcium sulphate or other unde­sir­able foreign substances. In short: water quality is often less than perfect. It needs to be opti­mized for use in coffee machines.

Your benefits

The right product for every water requirement

We cater for the special require­ments of the vending machine busi­ness with a wide range of prod­ucts. This includes, for example, the new BWT best­save limescale protec­tion pad – the "smart solu­tion" if basic limescale protec­tion is suffi­cient for the coffee machines in smaller busi­nesses. Or the partic­u­larly econom­ical BWT bestmax series with "High-Efficiency Tech­nology" (HET) for vending machines, where throughput is high. In addi­tion, there is a range of special filter systems for prob­lem­atic water situ­a­tions as well as the flag­ship BWT bestmax PREMIUM with BWT magne­sium tech­nology, specially devel­oped for the premium segment in vending - a filter cartridge that not only elim­i­nates calcium from the water, but also enriches it with magne­sium as a flavour carrier.

BWT water+more water opti­mi­sa­tion solu­tions not only ensure the sensory quality of vending machine prod­ucts, but also offer an assur­ance of maximum oper­a­tional safety and reli­able protec­tion against limescale deposits. In this way, maximum economic effi­ciency is achieved and invest­ments are secured.

Products for optimum vending machine results

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